How do I know when to use intimate bleach?

Intimate bleaching is one cosmetic procedure that people have been getting into more and more. With this, more and more people have been bleaching intimate areas but don't know when to bleach their intimate areas. Because it's been so popularized, people feel the need to bleach even when their skin is not hyperpigmented. Of course, hyperpigmentation and each person differs; some have darker pigment than others. The pigment is also influenced by your race and skin tone. In this article, we will get into how to use intimate bleach, what is intimate bleach and how to use intimate bleach.

What is intimate bleach?

The title intimate bleaching says it for itself. It is the bleaching of your private areas or Intimate areas such as the vagina, penis anus and armpits. These areas are a lot more prone to hyper-pigmentation because of their intimacy which causes friction. Just like your armpits are in constant movement every day the same goes for your anus area. Your private areas like the armpit and penis are discolouration. There are a few other things that cause natural discolourations and pigmentation around intimate areas and overall around the body. A few causes are:

  •  Hormones
  •  Diet
  •  Medical conditions
  •  Clothing
  •  Shaving

When to use intimate bleach?

When you see your intimate areas begin to grow darker and possibly at their darkest point you should start to bleach. There are times when your intimate areas are darkened due to shaving and when you lessen the shaving, it gets a lighter complexion back so bleaching isn't always necessary. But bleaching is and will always be a personal decision for physical confidence and does not help with any medical advantages. You can also start to use bleaching products when your skin is just a few shades lighter but you would have to use it for a minimum of two months or less because your skin will begin to lighten way lighter than your natural skin tone. And having to darken or tan for even skin tone will be a whole another process.

How to use intimate bleach?

Intimate bleach is mainly focused on creams. Though they come in different forms such as creams, gel, oils, injections etc, Bleaching creams are the main preferred away. All you have to do is apply the product as instructed. And a number of products are recommended applying day and night for maximum results. You may not use the product for over six months consecutively because one that means the product does not work until it could cause skin damage with the harsh products. Instead, space it out or try out a different route.

Getting into intimate bleaching

Intimate bleaching has no medical advantage to your well-being but it definitely does help you to boost your confidence. As there aren't a lot of people bleaching their intimate areas. It is for a  more pleasing aesthetic which is why a lot of pornstars and celebrities do it. If you are looking to bleach your intimate areas we highly recommend using the Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. Effective within just 2 weeks and is an affordable way of bleaching.

Hydroquinone Brightening Agent


Hydroquinone is one of the more common agents in beauty products. It helps to treat hyperpigmentation and lightens the skin. Hydroquinone is found in a lot of soaps, lotions and facial products. It is also the number one go to product in skin bleaching products.

how to use hydroquinone

ProductOur Rating

#1 Amaira Whitening Cream

Key features: Hydroquinone-free, doesn't irritate, works over time and is approved by dermatologists.

  • Hydroquinone-free
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee (No Squibbles)
  • See the results within 1-2 months
  • Very positive feedback by industry professionals

With a product this strong and effective, being consistent is what will help see results and possibly avoid any negative effects. Hydroquinone will always produce desired results. It is important to use products as instructed by the doctor or package. If you are unsure about the level of sensitivity your skin has, test the product to see how your skin reacts the next day or coming days. If you do not react negatively to the agent, you may add it to your daily skincare routine.

You want to apply the product on clean skin and as a base, so before any moisturiser. This will help the product absorb in your skin as best as possible and work on rejuvenating. Product should be applied evenly and gently throughout the skin.

You can and should still apply sunscreen on top of this product. Hydroquinone seem to be very sensitive to major sun exposure and excessive amounts of sun may reverse the product working within the skin. Sunscreen will help protect your skin as well as the treatment of hydroquinone working within the skin.

Hydroquinone is very effective. If you do not see visible results within 3 months of constant use, it is best to stop using the product. It could be the product of choice that does not have an effective level of hydroquinone, if other products don’t work it is advisable to try other brightening methods.


Benefits of Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone has been known to treat a number of skin issues and rejuvenate skin. Hydroquinone helps with:

  • Sunburn
  • Age spots
  • Inflammatory marks
  • Acne spots
  • Melasma
  • Blemishes

It can easily remove any discolorations on the skin, by brightening and lightening the scar/skin. Causing effects to fade away and giving the skin a clear glow.

Side effects of hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is also known to cause temporary side effects. If you have sensitive skin, Hydroquinone causes dryness and redness at first. Some people eventually get used to it after a few consistent uses but that does not apply for every skin type.

In very rare cases, hydroquinone has been said to cause ochronosis. Ochronosis, a rare disease that causes pigmentation on face, neck and photo-exposed areas. This normally occurs after excessive daily use, after results have shown. Product is advised to use five months at a time.

hydroquinone thoughts

Although the product is now avoided by a number of beauty product suppliers, the agent seems to be able to get desired results effectively when used properly. It is important to test the product before committing due to a large number of people being allergic to hydroquinone and causing uncomfortable side effects.

If you are looking for brightening products and are afraid to commit to any products with hydroquinone for the time being, we highly recommend using our number one product – Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. Amaira skincare does not contain any hydroquinone elements and only uses natural ingredients such as kojic acid, mulberry extract, bearberry extract and more.

What is skin brightening?

skin brightening


Multiple products write “skin brightening” on their products. From night serums to face masks. But what does it actually mean? Is it just like skin bleaching?

Several skin brightening products often use this in order to pull buyers in by promising desired results. In this article, we will cover what is skin brightening, what it isn’t and how to achieve it.





What is skin brightening?

Skin brightening often means to increase the skin glow and the radiance of the skin. Tt also is linked with repairing any damage causing the skin to be dull and dry. ingredients included hydrate the skin, remove any dead skin cells and protect the skin from natural damages such as sunburn. The brightening serum is supposed to make your skin look healthier and fresh.

Brightening can mean a lot of different things on different products. Other products label themselves as brightening creams because they remove any skin discoloration even out the skin tone and overall lighting skin tone. A minimum version of skin bleaching without the intense effect or results

This may sometimes be found in the same product but the product is likely focused on either or. Most products would indicate if it is brightening for a radiant and clean look or if it's brightening for skin discolorations and removing any hyperpigmentation on the face or body.







Often referred to as skin lightening or skin whitening in some countries, this is the process of reducing the Skin's melanin production. This will slow down the production of melanin but it will not completely stop it meaning it's a product we have to continuously use and apply in order to maintain desired skin results.

Some of these products do not include any actual brightening effect and may also leave the skin dull and dry due to the ingredients.





Benefits of skin brightening

  • Removing acne scars
  • Removing dead skin cells
  • Evening out skin tone
  • Giving the skin radiance and glow


Skin brightening ingredients

  • Vitamin C
  • Glycolic Acid
  • licorice extract 
  • vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 
  • Retinol
  • melanozyme 
  • kojic acid


Skin brightening SAFETY

      Skin brightening products are safe. They do not normally contain any toxic ingredients. There is a concern for darker skin using brightening products for the word brighten the entire skin lighter than its original pigment. it is advised to use brightening pilots on only specific places you want to brighten such as your acne scars or discoloration.


Skin brightening final conclusion

Skin brightening products are good products for your skin. They also contain tons of antioxidants that help to protect the skin. Brightening products can be added to your daily skincare routine, they work better with sunscreen And brightening serums. if you want to try out any skin brightening serum, have a look at our number one product Amaira natural lightening serum. although it may also be used for skin bleaching Amaira's natural ingredients are not too harsh or cause any discoloration on the skin.



Lightening Underarms

underarm lightening

Having dark underarms is something that has become more noticeable over time. Especially now that there are numerous celebrities, models and influencers that have even skin in their underarms. The beauty trend has been growing and has become a lot more accessible to people.

Lightening underarms is a very close trend to anal bleaching and vaginal bleaching. Giving the whole body one even skin tone is a highly admired beauty look that several people want to achieve.

Although this beauty trend was only available to higher social rankers, there have been multiple products that have been created to cater to everyday people. These products are available over the counter. You can also lighten your underarms medically with a specialist or doctor. There are a number of people that specialise in skin lightening at different rates.

Deodorants, such as dove, now include lightening and evening skin tone elements. This may help lighten underarms but not too effectively as the product is mainly focused on sweat and scent.

What causes underarms to darken?

There are multiple reasons as to why skin may darken. Our everyday lives cause effects on our skin and our skin over time has to adapt and adjust to the conditions. These causes cannot always be avoided but they can be maintained and effects can be reduced. Here’s a list of dark underarms:

  • Friction caused by clothes
  • Constant shaving causes irritation
  • Abnormal hormones increase melanin
  • Lack of exfoliating, build-up of dead skin
  • Irritating ingredients deodorants
  • Melasma

Ways to lighten your underarms naturally

Before using any product, here are some ways to help your underarms lighten:

  • Exfoliate your underarms
  • Use different or natural deodorant
  • Wax or laser, instead of shaving

Cosmetic Ways to Lighten your Underarms

  • Laser Therapy

Laser therapy helps to lighten the skin. Slowing down the process of melanin production in the underarms. You can also use laser hair removal which would remove the hair follicles and roots that also cause underarms to appear darker.

  • Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are used to treat dark underarms. Peels also help to rejuvenate and repair the skin. It helps to brighten and even out the skin tone.

Benefits to lightening underarms

There are no health benefits to any skin lightening treatments besides it coming with self-confidence boosters and better skin. Some general benefits are:

  • Even skin tone
  • Smooth skin
  • Clean look

Thoughts on underarms lightening

Underarm lightening is definitely something to look into if you aren't confident about the state of your underarms and want to give them a new, rejuvenated look. We highly recommend using Amaira Natural Lightening Serum for its natural ingredient. Underarm lightening does not come with too many side effects besides using products suitable for you to not cause any irritation, and this is the product we recommend.

Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Lightening Cream Reviews

emma cardinelli dark spots

Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Spot Lightening Cream is a cream that has been mentioned amongst other effective with well-known bleaching creams such as; Amaira Natural Lightening Cream and Meralderm Brightening Cream. Emma Cardinelli is known for its results on Indian skin tone and the effect it leaves on the skin. Emma Cardinelli helps to lightening the skin a few shades lighter where applied. It may be for dark spots or for your entire skin complexion, Cardinelli is good use for that.

What is Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Lightening Cream?

Emma Cardinelli is a skin lightening cream that can be used on the face, neck, rest of the body as well as intimate areas such as; the inner thighs, vagina, anus, penis, armpits and knees. Emma Cardinelli is suitable for many skin colors and types, regardless of ethnicity. They produce good results. 

Benefits of Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Lightening Cream Reviews

Emma Cardinelli also helps to remove and reduce the number of skin blemishes and skin damage that progresses over a large period of time. Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Lightening Cream benefits with:

  • Removing dark spots
  • Removes acne related spots
  • Helps to remove age spots
  • Helps with removing liver spots
  • Treats rosacea
  • Makes skin young
  • Removes darkness
  • Lights freckles
  • Even skin tone
  • Brighten natural complexion

Ingredients in Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Lightening Cream

Emma Cardinelli Dark Spots Lightening Cream Side effects

Emma Cardinelli does not seem to talk a lot or mention any side effects or negatives that may arise over time. In their ingredients, hydroquinone is included and this ingredient is known to cause a lot of side effects on sensitive skin. Causing reactions such as rash, flaky skin, itchiness and redness. It is important to test patch the product before fully committing to it.

How does Emma Cardinelli Dark Spots Lightening Cream?

Emma Cardinelli is to be applied like most brightening creams, twice a day and not for more than 5 months. Results start to be visible in just 4 weeks, by 3 months 80-100% of your results should be visible.

Our thoughts on Emma Cardinelli Dark Spot Lightening Cream

Emma Cardinelli seems like such a great and effective product. The only worry is they are always recommended but there is not much information on them. We find this to be a little suspicious, but on the other hand they have great reviews on platforms such as Amazon and their bleaching product only costs $49.99 which is way cheaper than other bleaching creams.

We do highly recommend using our trusted and number 1 product, Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. They have proven to always produce trusted and effective results. Their results show in just 2 weeks of consistent and instructed usage.

Long term effects of skin bleaching

Skin bleaching is becoming a lot more popular than before. a lot of people have started skin bleaching at home and as well as for the intimate areas, which has been heavily influenced by the porn industry. When it comes to skin bleaching you have to continuously go for treatments or apply creams, results are not permanent.

When you continuously bleach usage of products or the number of sessions left are less to the skin is lighter than when you first began. which is a plus in continuously using a product but also continuously using strong products may have negative effects.

How does skin bleaching work?

Skin bleaching is the process of lightening the skin. This may be in the form of creams or spa treatments such as laser lightening treatment. The process entails slowing down the growth of melanin in hypopigmented areas that cause different skin tones on the skin.

Skin bleaching in itself is not dangerous or harmful although it does have some side effects depending on the product of usage. A lot of products have been created over time to reach the large demand, and these products have been cheaply made and use a lot of harsh products to create results quicker. A lot of ingredients such as hydroquinone are used in skin bleaching products although this ingredient does work. It comes with a lot of side effects on sensitive skin such as dryness, flakiness, itchiness and redness.

A lot of people have come forward after skin bleaching wondering how to get the redness off throughout the process, especially on sensitive skin such as the face. This is usually the skin trying to adapt to the ingredients and chemicals.

Skin bleaching itself needs a lot of patience. all the results may take 2 to 4 weeks to start showing full desired results may take up to three to five months of constant and instructed use of the product. A lot of these products needed to be used for that amount of time but urged to be used for 5 months at a time meaning if you use it for any more than 5 months you could have some side effects of the product may just not be working for you.

Long term effects of skin bleaching

By the long-term, this could mean the 5 months or more or within the five months of using a product that is not good for your skin. Here is a list of some effects that may ok when you have been bleaching your skin for a long period:

  • Skin discoloration.  If you are bleeding in certain areas or even your whole body that has different skin tones some parts will be lighter than others for some parts are still dark if the product is not evenly distributed and using other skin bleaching products at the same time may cause some skin damage as well.
  • Skin damage. The chemicals being used tend to weaken the skin. The skin becomes so used to the product that it just keeps becoming weaker and rejuvenating the skin back to its natural elasticity may be hard.
  • Skin irritation. My skin is very sensitive and may have found a patient that eventually leads to it being a long-term issue. Itchy skin and parties can lead to long-term effects and may need medical attention.

Should you skin bleach?

Skin bleaching is absolutely safe when using the right products. Do your research on products and read reviews up on them, especially 1 star ones. If you want to try other forms of skin bleaching you can use skin lightening oils or spa treatments which would have less side effects if professionally done well. We highly recommend our number 1 bleaching cream, Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. It is filled with natural ingredients tha help to lighten the skin with causing or doing too much damage to the skin.