Can you skin bleach your public area?

Intimate bleaching has become very popular but what about bleaching your public open areas. Is it safe to bleach those areas and are there specific products to use? Of course, there are bleaching creams that are intended for specific things like intimate bleaching cream and then there is a regular skin bleaching cream. It is unclear if the two have a huge difference in ingredients and other chemicals but it is best to use where instructed. Here is all you need to know about bleaching your public areas?

What is bleaching your public areas?

Your public areas are more so you're out more exposed skin. This is your face and hands legs wherever you see best. These areas are of course a lot more prone to breaking out when it comes to bleaching and possibly skin damage. Mainly because as you are using bleaching creams it is very important to try your best to keep out of the sun. Ingredients in bleaching products do not mix well with the sun and are advised to use any some protectant in this time period.

What is skin bleaching?

Skin bleaching is the process of lightening your skin through oils, creams or spa treatments. a lot of people have now opted for skin bleaching through cream as there are more available and much more affordable than skin bleaching spa treatments. Spa treatments are of course a lot more expensive and need as many sessions as possible to see desired results. The spa treatment version of skin bleaching consists of cryosurgery as well as laser lightening treatment these are of course the more expensive side of skin bleaching they contain being done by specialists as well as a lot of technology involved.

Can you skin bleach your entire skin?

Yes. It is very possible to bleach your entire skin from your face all the way to your toes. doing this at a spa treatment will definitely cost you a lot more than you think skin bleaching creams. It is very important that you do your research on products beforehand as well as specialists. We highly recommend using Amaira Natural Lightening Serum for it contains natural ingredients and works very well with sunscreen and other sun protectors.

Is skin bleaching safe and healthy?

Skin bleaching is totally safe when using the correct products. There are a lot of knock-off products on the market currently that could cause heavy skin damage and skin discolouration. Looking at products before and after as well as reviews will help you determine which product you want to use. Depending on your skin type if you have dry skin you will want to look for products that don't include any hydroquinone. Products that will work best for you or products that include natural ingredients like the Amaira Natural Lightening Serum which includes vitamin C, bearberry extract, liquorice extract and Mulberry extract.

How long do you need to bleach your anal?

Anal bleaching is becoming a lot more popular and accessible to do yourself. But there are people who don't quite understand how to bleach your own anus so the process can get messy and you want to do it right. There are some key points as to how long you need to bleach your anus or as well as what to do and not do as you're bleaching your anus. This goes for both using DIY to anal bleach or spa treatments so things are quite similar because the focus is to care for the skin as it will be exposed to harsh products.

What is anal bleaching?

Anal bleaching is the process of lightening or whitening your anus area. It is basically just applying cream around the anus area. It is to decrease hyperpigmentation that has been built up around the anus area and lighten it to blend in with the rest of your skin. Hyperpigmentation builds naturally into the skin from hormones diet to the friction of our clothing every day. Although hyperpigmentation it is normal it has then subtle looked down on look due to pornstars and celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton and so many more.

How long do you need to bleach your anal?

There are two ways to answer this question. There is the length of which you need to keep the product on as you're bleaching your anus and then there is the continuation of how long you need to use anal bleaching creams.

To answer the first question anal bleaching creams are to be applied just like lotion products. Simply apply them on your skin a maximum of two times a day depending on your instructions for maximum results. Every bleaching cream will come with its own set of instructions but a number of them have similar instructions. The instructions are to use the product day and night, also to make sure that they're the product is being applied if exposed to the sun should be mixed with sunscreen.

The second question. You may only use bleaching creams for 6 months at a time. You cannot use bleaching cream for more than six months for they contain ingredients that might cause long-term skin damage if used consistently for over 6 months. Take a break between the products if you need to give yourself a breather.

What happens if you apply skin bleach for too long?

When you skin bleach for too long, it causes your skin to weaken and more prone to skin damage and dryness. When the skin is damaged it usually is discoloured and turns into an orange tone which may take time to fade off or remove. Sometimes it is permanent. With the skin growing weak it is much easier to break and tear causing infections when applying anal bleach creams. It is important that you also check for wounds when applying bleaching creams for they are very strong and could cause irritation.

Homemade Bleaching Cream

homemade bleaching cream

Bleaching has grown a lot more popular throughout the years. celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, Serena Williams, Megan Good have allegedly bleached their skin. Another celebrity that has made skin bleaching popular was Michael Jackson who bleached enough to pass for a different race. Since then people have grown interested and curious about skin bleaching. And although they have so many products on the market for skin bleaching and skin lightening they aren't quite getting the results they may desire.

A lot of products on the market used several natural ingredients. And some of these ingredients can be used in the comfort of your own home to make your own bleaching cream. These bleaching creams may be used on your face and your body. using them in intimate areas for anal bleaching, vaginal bleaching or penis bleaching is not recommended for it may cause some discoloration or irritation and the product is not medically approved. You can use a homemade bleaching cream and other intimate areas such as your armpits.

Ingredients needed for Homemade Bleaching Cream

  • Almond oil

Includes vitamin E which is a very effective antioxidant. It decreases UV damage easily and without being harsh to the skin. It also relieves psoriasis and eczema.

  • Glycerin 

Glycerin is known to give a healthy glow to the skin. It moisturizes the skin and keeps it from looking dull and dry. Glycerin works best with lemon and rosewater.

  • Chamomile Decoction

Chamomile is known to lighten your complexion and add a healthy glow. Chamomile is to be applied consistently for two to three weeks and can fade dark spots, acne and soften the skin.

  • Lemon juice

Lemon juice has been known to lighten your skin for many years. It is rich in vitamin C which is rich in antioxidants. Lemon Juice can be used to treat hyperpigmentation, freckles, dark spots, acne damage and more. Lemon juice is a melanin reducing ingredient to the skin 

  • Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil works best with almond oil as well as coconut oil to brighten your skin. Tea tree is normally used on the ankles, elbows and other areas that also suffer from dryness and dullness.


Making Homemade Bleaching Cream

  • The first step is to add 3 tsp of almond oil (bottled) to some hot water.
  • I have the almond oil still warm, add 1 tsp of glycerine and 2 tsp chamomile decoction.
  • Let the oil cool down when it's normal temperature, add 5 drops of lemon juice and 3 tsp of tea tree oil.
  • Shake it and mix it well then put it in a closed jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Try Homemade Bleaching Cream

Homemade bleaching cream is a cheaper route to bleaching your skin. Although it's cheaper there is no telling of whether this cream will work quicker than professional bleaching creams. Although they do seem quicker to make, wouldn't you rather have a product that is known to give you results in just two to four weeks? We highly recommend our number one product, Amaira natural lightening serum. It has natural ingredients, no harsh ingredients such as hydroquinone which could potentially leave your skin dry. Amira natural lightening serum hydrates rejuvenates and lightens the skin or at the same time and although it costs more the effects are worth it.

Skin bleaching Injections

skin bleaching injections

Skin bleaching injections aren’t as popular as bleaching creams and spa treatments. Skin bleaching injections are new to the market and raise eyebrows very quickly. A lot of companies advise you to not use skin bleaching injections for they include all sorts of chemicals and come as a DIY product. These skin bleaching injections are actually called Glutathione Injections.

Glutathione Injections

Glutathione is a natural antioxidant. Glutathione is good for repairing tissues, helping with immunity as well as delaying the process of aging. As we grow older, the natural Glutathione in our bodies decreases, Cosmetic specialists have come up with a way to inject the glutathione into our bodies.

The rejuvenation elements in the glutathione injections have an influence on skin lightening. When it comes to skin lightening glutathione injections are known to work best with laser lightening treatments. Together the results will show better and more effectively. You will have to get booster shots in between in order to maintain the effects. The boosters can be taken in form of injections or pills. The Glutathione pills work just the same but for almost instant results, the injections work better.

Side effects of Glutathione Skin Lightening Injections

  • Nausea
  • Skin rashes
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of hair
  • Breathing problem
  • Chest pain
  • Gain in weight
  • Whitening of hair
  • Steven Johnson’s syndrome
  • Pain in breasts
  • Toxic epidermal necrosis
  • Numbness
  • Eye disorder
  • Aggravate symptoms of asthma

Should you get Glutathione Skin Bleaching Injections?

There are a lot of cheap scapegoats for these products due to the large market for skin bleaching. But if the right product and amount of dosage are used on intended areas. The product should not have negative effects besides the normal effects that come and go after treatment. Whether you should or shouldn’t is not something we can tell, what we can do is highly recommend looking at skin bleaching creams and skin bleaching oils. We advise using our number 1 product, Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. It has natural ingredients and is not too harsh on the skin. The cost of this skin bleaching route is far less expensive than spa treatments.

What causes skin darkening

Skin darkening, also known as hyperpigmentation, is caused by a number of natural causes. Our day to day lives have an impact on our skin. The duality and the elasticity of your skin are also highly affected. Which highly affects the natural visibility of your skin, making it look dull and dry.

Skin darkening is very natural and does not come with any side effects. Treating dark skin is possible and does not come with scientific health benefits. It is all inner preference on ones body, just like any cosmetic surgery.

Common places for skin darkening?

What causes skin darkening?

  • Sun Exposure
  • Melasma
  • Age spots
  • Acne spots
  • Skin inflammation
  • Hormones
  • Medical Conditions
  • Constant skin friction

How to treat skin darkening?

  • Using Sun Protector
  • Brightening Creams contain elements of skin that could help with clearing and glowing to the skin
  • Bleaching creams and Lightening creams work well to remove darkness in intended areas of the skin.
  • Covering your skin with hats and sleeves
  • Chemical peels to remove dead skin and helps with brightness of the skin
  • Lightening laser treatment. Helps with lightening the skin as well as rejuvenation.

Should you get treated for dark skin?

Hyperpigmentation is completely normal. It then differs from person to person how you feel about your pigmentation. Some people don’t mind it even after noticing it and others grow self-conscious because of platforms such as social media. Which shows tons of men and women with absolutely perfect monotone skin, and they want that too. It’s important to do your research on products and specialists for such treatments that can easily go wrong and cause permanent damage to the skin. 

Another secure way to treat hyperpigmentation is by using skin bleaching creams or skin bleaching oils. Over time there has been aa new invention of skin bleaching injections which supposedly lightens and firms the skin way quicker than creams and oils. For natural secure results we highly recommend using the Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. It is filled with natural ingredients and does not contain any hydroquinone or other drying ingredients. It moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

Anal Bleaching Plastic Surgery

Anal bleaching is becoming a normal beauty trend in our day to day world. Anal bleaching at home may be messy and the process may often be tedious. Bleaching at spa’s often cost a lot with the constant sessions needed to take before seeing desired results.

Things such as bleaching injections and skin bleaching pills have been introduced for faster lightening results. These methods have been said to have a number of side effects that may cause long term damage.

What is Anal Bleaching?

Anal bleaching is the process of lightening the anus area a few shades lighter. The skin around the anus area may have hyperpigmentation that may have grown over time. The anus is an area that is very soft and sensitive compared to other parts of the skin. Over time it changes and adjusts to everyday situations.

What causes anal hyperpigmentation?

There are few things that cause anal hyperpigmentation. Anal pigmentation is normal to everyone due to conditions of living. A few things that may cause this pigmentation are:

  • Underwear: Fabrics and tightness
  • Hormones: Change of diet of meds
  • Medical conditions: Such as Melasmas
  • Number 2: Almost every day we use the toilet to relieve ourselves, the pigmentation being released can often cause hyperpigmentation to build up over the years.

Anal Bleaching Plastic Surgery

A popular trend that is happening is bleaching plastic surgery. It is not like other plastic surgeries that you may need a few hours to adjust from them. The anal bleaching plastic surgery is a day surgery. You do not need to go under any anaesthesia. The process only takes up to 45 minutes.

How does Anal Bleaching Plastic Surgery Work?

Anaesthetic cream is applied around the anus area. In order to numb the skin before the procedure has started. After that has set and the skin is numb enough, laser lightening beams are then used to depigment the skin. After 45 minutes the procedure is done with no pains or intense discomfort.

Our thoughts on anal bleaching plastic surgery

Anal bleaching is a process that is done to increase confidence and beauty. If you don’t want to go through this plastic surgery process, try anal bleaching creams may be what you need. Bleaching creams are a lot more sufficient and can be used as lotion. Applying the creams everyday or as instructed bring out results in just 2 weeks. Bleaching creams are said to be used for no more than 5 months, within 3 months there should be full visible results.

We recommend using our number one skin lightening cream, Amaira Natural Lightening Serum. With visible results in just 2 weeks, Amaira Natural Lightening serum has constantly proven it is effective and at a very low cost.